Six Steps to Online Success: SEO Strategy Guide (Part 3)

Previously, we discussed the first four steps in achieving online success through an effective SEO strategy. The first step is to understand the current search engine climate; second: to create good quality content: third, to choose the right keyword; and fourth: to make your website mobile-friendly.

Now for the last part of this guide, here are two more steps to achieve a successful SEO strategy.

Step 5: Optimize your URLs

Optimize your URLs

Universal Resource Locators (URLs) pertain to unique addresses online users key in to their browsers to explore your website and its pages. They serve as one of the first descriptions of what the page is about. URLs are also used by crawlers to allow search engines to index the websites in a fast and organized manner. To help both human users and the search engine crawlers to read what the page is about, URLs has to be descriptive and short whenever possible. To optimize them even further, it is wise to add unique keywords and make it more easily sharable online.

Step 6: Improve website security

Improve website security

Part of smart SEO strategy is maintaining the security of your website. This is especially true today when cyber criminals have the means to access and hack through websites to steal information and even people’s identities. E-commerce websites are particularly at higher risk because they may contain personal and credit card information of buyers. This is why it pays to work closely with your web developer to apply security measures to prevent breach, access to private and confidential information, theft, fraud, and many other similar activities that may put not only your website, but your brand’s image and your customer’s safety in danger. Search engines have high regards to websites with sufficient security features set in place, so take time to give this aspect some attention.

Wrapping up

The road to SEO success is not an easy road, but when you know your priorities, it is easier to build one solid and effective strategy that will take you there. To sum up this guide, here are the steps you need to take to make that one strategy:

  1. Know the current search engine climate
  2. Create good quality content
  3. Choose the right keywords
  4. Make your website mobile-friendly
  5. Optimize your URLs
  6. Improve website security

Lastly, feel free to consult with a provider of local SEO services for a more comprehensive guidance and assistance.

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